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5 Baby Room Ideas for 2020

Comfort Design Mats

5 Baby Room Ideas for 2020

Whether you are expecting your first baby or your fifth, getting baby’s room ready can be an overwhelming experience. Creating a safe and cozy space for baby that also functions well for you isn’t an easy feat. There are countless decisions to be made about furniture, décor, storage and organization, and finding the best play mats for babies.

We’ve collected the top five ideas for making baby’s room warm and snuggly, modern and inspiring, and filled with solutions for practical every day living.

Choose Baby Furniture that Grows with Your Child

convertible crib

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Your most significant investment in baby’s room will likely be the furniture, so think about pieces that will adapt and grow as baby does. After all, your tiny baby will only be little for a short time. Many beautiful convertible cribs transform into a toddler bed, a day bed, and a full bed to last all the way through the teen years. You can even repurpose a dresser into a changing table by placing a changing pad on the top to allow your furniture pieces to grow as baby does.

Go Bold with Color

bright colors for baby room

Painting a baby’s room in soft pastel colors is a popular choice, but before you pick up that paintbrush, why not consider taking a bold approach to color in the nursery? Research shows that black and white contrasting colors are stimulating and may aid in baby’s visual and brain development. But you don’t have to be limited to black and white. Any strong contrasting color will do. And if painting a graphic pattern on your walls is a bit intimidating, we get it. Try wallpaper on the walls or ceiling or incorporating bold contrasting prints in upholstery or play mat rugs.

Create a Cozy Space…for YOU

rocking chair for nursery

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Let’s face it, baby isn’t the only one who will be sleeping in this room. You’re probably going to nod off a time or twenty, so creating a cozy parent space is important. Choosing a chair that allows you to sit comfortably while breastfeeding and soothing baby should be the top priority, however, there is no need to sacrifice fashion for function. There are a ton of stylish baby rocking chairs and nursery gliders to choose from, so you can later transition these pieces to other spaces in your home.

Stick with Smart Storage Solutions

tree bookcase

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For someone so small, a baby sure has a lot of stuff. Between the diapers, clothes, toys, and all the other baby gear your little one needs every day, you’re going to need some smart storage solutions for baby’s room. Shelves next to your changing station are a handy place to store all your baby supplies like wipes, lotions, etc. And placing a fun and whimsical bookshelf next to your baby nursery chair makes a ton of sense so you can easily grab a book without having to get up.

Enhance Your Décor with Safe Play Mats for Babies

Every nursery needs a safe and squishy place for baby to roll, have tummy time, and explore the world. Comfort Design Mats are baby foam play mats that offer so much more than the typical puzzle mat. Not only do these baby foam play mats promote healthy development for your children of all ages, but they look amazing and will complement modern décor in any room in your house. Best of all, they are made of non-toxic foam, something parents everywhere are searching for. If you find yourself wondering, is TPU safe, read more here. Comfort Design Mats are also waterproof, pet-friendly, and hypoallergenic with NO latex, BPA, or phthalates, formamide or formaldehyde, PVC, or EVA.

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